Sunday, March 8, 2015

We got new cages!

So, our cages were getting a little bit beat up and mom wasnt happy with the amount of play space. Mom got us new cages! There is more room for running and popcorning, which we did shortly after she set them up. And Rapunzel loves the litter tray she put all pur hay in. She can lay in her food as she eats!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015

New Additions to the Herd

Hi everyone! My name is Ares. I am the new boar. I and the two sows, who arrived last night are skinny guinea pigs (Hairless breed for those who don't know). It felt like such a long trip getting to our new homes but it was fun.  I got to rough house through hay and snuggle in a blanket on the way home. And today I am getting tons of snuggles.

All of us playing
Me (Ares) cuddling in a blanket
Olive (my sister)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Skeleton of a Guinea Pig

We just were wondering around the net looking at fellow cavies, and came across this. Thought you might enjoy seeing what us guinea pigs look like inside. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cuddle Bug Caramel

Last night little Miss Caramel decided she wasn't going to sleep without some attention. She has always been a flirt, wanting that extra attention. Some guinea pigs just need more connection with their owners (truefully more like thier slaves ;-)), then other guinea pigs. I walked near her cage and that was it. Caramel shoved her face against the door and gave me her patented stare down. I knew then if I did not go over and snuggle her or appease her with some veggies or fruit, she would begin squealing if I dared to leave her sight. Well like a good guinea pig slave, I couldn't resist the stare and she got both snuggles and some kale and carrots. I mean how can I resist that cute mug?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mr. Robin on Hygiene and Carrots!

Robin here! You know, the handsome gent of the herd. So I was perfectly fine having dirt all over my tush and fur, but no! Mom made me take a bath! I tried all I could to get out of the sink, while she was bathing me. Then after she dries me mom decides I need my hair brushed!  Uggh I'm a boy lady, not a prissy girl! Once she sat me down on the blanket I promptly hid and decided to show how mad I was by refusing to let her pet me.  Oh but then she brought out the carrots!  Mmm carrots. It was game over! No guinea pig in their right mind can resist carrots! Needless to say she got cuddles,  so I could have my carrots. :-) I guess bath time is worth something.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Meet the Cutie Guinea Piggies Herd!

Welcome to our first blog post! This blog's aim is to keep you up to date on the happenings in the Cutie Guinea Piggies' world. This first post will introduce you to our little herd. (Yes, a group of guinea pigs is actually called a herd.)

Our Boar (boy) ROBIN